Salesforce AI Cloud, EinsteinGPT

Salesforce, a leader in the world of customer relationship management (CRM) software, has once again demonstrated its commitment to innovation with the introduction of groundbreaking features powered by Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) technology. In this post, we’ll dive into the exciting new capabilities offered by Salesforce AI Cloud, also known as Einstein GPT, across various modules and business functions.

Sales GPT: Revolutionizing Customer Engagement

General Availablity: Sales Emails

With this tool, businesses can now effortlessly craft personalized emails for customers, harnessing the power of contextual information to deliver truly tailored messaging. This functionality has transitioned from beta to the General Availability (GA) stage, enabling users to seamlessly send these personalized emails from within Salesforce, Gmail, and Outlook. 

Beta: Buyer assistant 

Buyer assistant opens the door to dynamic interactions, providing instant responses and personalized recommendations in real-time in GPT-type conversations with customers

Future Releases: Call Summaries

Call Summaries will streamline post-call processes, ensuring that no valuable information slips through the cracks. It offers a comprehensive log of conversations after engaging with customers over the phone. Promised GA date for this feature is October 2023.

Service GPT: Elevating Customer Service

General Availablity: Service Reples, Work Summaries

This module equips service representatives with the ability to create service briefings and case summaries, streamlining communication and problem-solving. GA features encompass personalized service responses generated from CRM data and case history, alongside work (case) summaries. 

Pilot: Knowledge articles

The pilot program introduces Knowledge Articles, setting the stage for AI-based GPT knowledge article generation and management.

Future Releases: Search answers, Mobile work briefings

Salesforce’s roadmap for service enhancements includes the exciting promise of Search Answers, a tool designed to empower service teams with accurate and timely information retrieval. Mobile Work Briefings are also on the horizon, ensuring that service representatives remain can save time when generating service briefings/reports.

Marketing GPT: A Paradigm Shift in Audience Segmentation

Marketing professionals are in for a treat with the Marketing GPT module. This powerful tool enables the segmentation of audiences based on prompts, allowing for highly targeted campaigns. Though currently in pilot, it is slated for general availability in February 2024, promising a significant transformation in marketing strategies.

Commerce GPT: Personalized Product Descriptions

The Commerce GPT module introduces a novel approach to product descriptions. Leveraging customer data, this tool tailors product descriptions to align with individual preferences and needs. With a pilot phase underway, general availability is anticipated by July 2023, offering businesses a dynamic way to enhance customer engagement.

Slack GPT: Empowering Workflow Creation

The integration of GPT technology into Slack is set to revolutionize workflow creation. Slack GPT, currently in beta, empowers users to build intricate workflows effortlessly, translating prompts into actionable steps. A forthcoming general availability release is expected to further streamline business processes. Slack GPT will be Generally Available later in 2023.

Tableau GPT: Visualizations Beyond Imagination

Tableau GPT, poised for a pilot launch in November 2023, holds the promise of transforming data into captivating visualizations. This module will enable users to generate visuals based on prompts, presenting insights in an engaging and comprehensible manner.

Flow GPT: Streamlining Workflow Design

October 2023 will mark the pilot launch of Flow GPT, a tool designed to streamline flow creation for admins and developers. By translating prompts into flows, this module aims to simplify complex processes, enhancing overall efficiency.

Apex GPT: Coding Made Smarter

June 2023 will witness the pilot launch of Apex GPT, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) extension. This tool aims to facilitate coding tasks by providing auto-completion suggestions and code-scanning capabilities, enabling developers to work smarter and faster.

Einstein GPT Trust Layer: A Foundation of Trust

At the core of Salesforce GPT Modules/Features lies the Einstein GPT Trust Layer, which is already generally available starting from June 2023. This foundational layer ensures that the power of GPT technology is harnessed responsibly and ethically, instilling confidence in users and stakeholders alike.

Pricing and Availability

Salesforce GPT offers a range of pricing options, with Sales GPT and Service GPT available at $50 per user per month, inclusive of a limited number of Einstein GPT credits. As usage scales, customers can opt for Enterprise Expansion packs to cater to the needs of their sales and service teams. Initially, access to GPT-powered capabilities will be granted to customers with Unlimited Edition, which includes the Einstein SKU. 

For the most accurate and up-to-date information make sure to reach out to your Salesforce Account Executive. In case you are not yet a Salesforce customer, DM me on LinkedIn and I will get you in touch with relevant AE.